Award-Winning Animation and Gaming Staffing Firm

Level Up Your Team: Premium Gaming Staffing Solutions

Building High-Performing Gaming Teams Through Recruitment

Connecting Top Gaming Studios with the Best Talent in the Industry

Building winning teams is our passion. In the gaming industry, securing the best talent can be the key to propelling your projects to success and staying ahead of the curve of the biggest trends in gaming and technology. At Scion Technology, we leverage our extensive experience to understand the unique challenges gaming studios face. Our proven track record in gaming staffing demonstrates our ability to connect your organization with the skilled professionals you need to turn your vision into reality. Our recruiting team is your competitive edge. Our passionate team of recruiters are deeply invested in the industry, keeping their finger on the pulse of the latest trends and technologies such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and graphics design. We prioritize getting to know your organization inside and out, acknowledging specific needs, ensuring we identify the perfect candidates to seamlessly integrate into your team.

No matter the role or need, we have the solution. Whether you require a talented game developer, a skilled artist, an esports expert, or an experienced QA tester, our vast network of qualified candidates spans all disciplines of game development. Our team is confident in our ability to find the ideal individual to elevate your project to the next level!

Providing Customized Gaming Staffing Solutions in Fields Like






Request Staff

Scion Technology has available candidates for a variety of roles in the gaming industry such as:

  • SVP of Gaming
  • Art Director
  • Technical Director
  • Effects Director
  • Studio Manager
  • Live Ops Manager
  • Dev Ops Manager
  • Animator (Character/Gameplay)
  • 2D/3D Artist
  • Producer
  • Game Programmer
  • Editor
  • QA Manager
  • Engineers
  • Level Designer
  • Lighting Artist
  • Storyboard Artist
  • Writer
  • Sound Designer
  • Compositor
  • And More!

Find Your Next Top Gaming Professional

Why Choose Scion?

Deep Video Game Industry Expertise

Our team boasts extensive experience within the gaming landscape. We’re passionate about the latest trends and technologies, ensuring we can effectively translate your needs into targeted recruitment strategies.

A Personalized Approach

Generic staffing solutions often struggle to grasp the unique culture and vision of individual studios. Our team prioritizes building a strong understanding of your company’s specific needs and values. By taking the time to get to know you, we can identify candidates who will seamlessly integrate into your team dynamic.

Streamlined Efficiency

Traditional recruitment processes can be slow and cumbersome, delaying your project timelines. We leverage our established network and refined processes to deliver efficient and timely results. Our focus is on minimizing your time-to-hire and accelerating your path to success.

Proven Track Record

Finding a staffing partner with a demonstrably successful history within the gaming industry can be difficult. Our proven track record speaks for itself. We have a long history of connecting top gaming studios with the talent they need to bring their projects to life.

Esports Staffing Agency

Elevate Your Development Process with Scion Technology’s Expertise

Scion Technology staffing specialists leverage the power of our expansive national network, boasting over 14 million qualified candidates, alongside our exclusive private network of 650,000 industry-specific professionals. This unparalleled reach ensures we have the resources to identify the perfect fit for your unique gaming staffing needs, regardless of location or specialization. Ready to build your dream team and propel your next project to success? Contact our team today and unlock the potential of a passionate and highly skilled workforce.