05 Jun Engineering Opportunities: What Types of Engineering Jobs Are Out There
Engineering opportunities across the board are expected to grow seven percent nationwide by 2026, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). More and more college graduates are coming out with their bachelor’s degree in the engineering field. But what exactly can you do with an engineering degree?
What is engineering?
Engineering is a broad subject which splits into many different disciplines, including electrical, civil, chemical and mechanical. These specialized technology opportunities all require different experience requirements and relevant work experience, along with a graduate degree in a related field from an accredited university. As an engineer you’ll be equipped with logical thinking and critical analysis skills as well as being able to be a swift decision maker. These problem-solving skills alone are essential for growth and leadership within any discipline but are particular to the verticals of engineering.
Additionally, within the field of engineering—regardless of the vertical—you have the opportunity to add value to the world. There is a wide range of focuses for licensed engineers. You are creating, building and setting into place structures, chemicals and other important things for society; that’s an amazing feeling! Let’s dive into each major discipline of engineering opportunities below:
Civic Engineering
A degree in civil engineering will prepare one for a career that is likely tied to the construction industry as well as the wider business, management and financial sectors. This career option often involves many aspects of design and architecture, allowing one to express your creative side and explore innovative new ideas, whilst also analyzing data and technology. Careers within civil engineering can be both rewarding and challenging and will involve some or all of the following: construction, design and management, depending on your interests and specialist knowledge.
Aerospace Engineering
A degree within aerospace engineering will give you a career that is open with jobs that require one to be detail-oriented and have good communication, critical-thinking, math, technical and interpersonal skills. What does one do as an Aerospace engineer? They conduct tests on different aerospace systems, record and analyze data and diagnose problems, adjust, repair and/or replace faulty components within Aerospace. You might hear also hear the title as avionics technicians as well. An entry-level aerospace engineer will likely need a bachelor’s degree in aerospace engineering or a related field to dive in and get experience.
Chemical Engineering
Chemical engineering is an exciting field to jump into. Someone with this degree may examine as well as design the machinery and processes used to turn raw materials into everyday products such as fuel, plastics and food. A chemical engineer is also concerned with trailblazing new useful resources and techniques to improve the field. With this degree, one would use their knowledge of mathematics and science to help you analyze problems and come up with solutions. In addition, solid management skills are required for some jobs within this field to help effectively manage projects, budgets and people. Another career someone with a chemical engineering degree might wish to consider as a chemical engineering graduate is a product/process development scientist.
Mechanical Engineering
Simply put, mechanical engineering is the study of motion, force and energy. Someone who wants to pursue mechanical engineering will work control the above listed elements by using a combination of material, human and economic resources to develop mechanical solutions that help satisfy the needs and wants of society. A mechanical engineer will decide the size, material and shape of every part of a machine or mechanical device. These can be critical decisions as some concern human safety, so having excellent analytical skills is crucial. Mechanical engineers may also be involved in the maintenance and repair of mechanical systems. They may work with technicians to diagnose problems, develop solutions, and oversee the repair or replacement of components.
Electrical Engineering
Electrical engineering can often overlap with other areas of engineering, as the sectors span from construction to communications and media, healthcare and more. Some things an electrical engineer may do are designing, developing, testing and supervising electrical equipment manufacturing. In addition, an electrical engineer has also been trained to handle responsibilities like wiring and lighting installations in buildings, automobiles and aircraft. Entry to this field of engineering can be through multiple avenues and may be possible with a different type of engineering degree, particularly mechanical engineering.
Systems Engineering
Systems engineering is a multidisciplinary approach to designing, analyzing, and managing complex systems. A system is defined as a collection of interrelated components that work together to achieve a particular goal. A systems engineer is responsible for ensuring that all of the components of a system work together effectively and efficiently. Systems engineers work closely with stakeholders to identify the requirements that a system must meet. This involves understanding the needs of users, customers, and other stakeholders, and translating these needs into technical specifications. Once the requirements have been identified, systems engineers work on designing the system. This includes selecting the appropriate components, determining how they will be integrated, and creating a detailed design that specifies how the system will work. Systems engineers are responsible for integrating all of the components of a system into a cohesive whole. This may involve developing interfaces between components, ensuring that all components work together, and addressing any issues that arise during the integration process.
Computer Engineering
Computer engineers design computer hardware components such as microprocessors, memory systems, and input/output devices. They use their knowledge of digital logic, circuits, and computer architecture to design and develop these components. Computer engineers are responsible for testing and evaluating computer hardware and software systems to ensure they meet performance and quality standards. They may use testing tools and techniques to identify and fix issues in the systems they design. Computer engineers may also be involved in the maintenance and repair of computer systems. They work to identify and fix issues that arise, replace faulty components, and upgrade hardware and software systems. Generally, one will specialize in either a program or hardware. From operating system software to individual computer programs, a Software Engineer will turn piles of hardware into a fully functional computer. Alternatively, Hardware Engineers develop the hardware of computers, including the motherboards, graphics and audio cards and drives that are later programmed in software engineering.
Software Engineering
Yes, there is a difference computer engineer and software engineers. Software engineers use a more analytical approach and different tech skills, like expert knowledge of programming languages to develop computer programs and make sure that software is functional according to what their client or customer needs. They help design, test, and develop the programs to meet those needs. They are constantly ensuring that their programs run smooth by running maintenance and testing on them, as well as offering or recommending certain upgrades for existing systems and programs.
Not sure what direction to go for engineering opportunities? Scion Technology Staffing can get you started!
Regardless of your interest, pursuing engineering opportunities can lead to an exciting and lucrative career option. Scion Technology Staffing can help you find jobs for engineers with a company that is the best match for you! We collaborate with you in interest of general upcoming engineering opportunities as well as particular positions to make sure we have a strong of when to reach out to you, and how to best convey your skills to employers. If you are interested in viewing our engineering opportunities and open jobs, we invite you to apply with us today!